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Hey Friend, I'm

Jessica Rice


whole-heartedly believe in 4 hour dinners, planning parties so epic people talk about them for years. Going way over the top on gifts, dancing all of my stress away and raising our kids to live out love and kindness that can change the world. 

A Southern Girl living in San Diego’s Endless Summer! I left dental career path to travel the world with just a camera in hand and spent a year capturing the world’s greatest beauty. I’m a deep believer in waking up at 5 am to own my day, rocking every jumpsuit, losing track of time dining with friends and drinking tea until it fills my veins. I traveled the world in search of life’s greatest adventure and found it in my arms as I held my children. I’m here for you. Here for your adventure and here to share everything I’ve learned along the way. 

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San Diego Wedding Vendor Guide

Planning every Outfit for your Family Photo Session

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These 2 are straight out of a storybook. Andrew and Megan met while they were in college at USC (Fight On!) and didn’t fall in love until after classes had ended and campus life was over. I remember the day Andrew called my husband Nick, he was so giddy with thrill over their first date and I […]

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This ADORABLE family was one of my Big Photography giveaway winners and I couldn’t have been happier to spend some time photographing them. Josh, Hannah and little Eleanor just opened an awesome coffee shop in San Diego called Ladies and Gentlemen Coffee that is sure to be the best local coffee you can find! One of […]

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3 conversations in the bars of Thailand forever changed me. 3 heart wrenching stories of real girls and boys who are trapped altered my view of sex-trafficking. I want to share their stories with you, may they impact you as they did me. Be sure to check out my previous post from the bars here.  Tak In […]

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I fell in love with this place, the rickety old shacks, the filthy streets, the laughter of children outside the gate, the endless karaoke. The Philippines is where I come alive. I was first introduced to this soul mate of mine a few years ago on a trip called The World Race. It was the […]

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I am so excited to announce the winners of this giveaway! I had so much fun seeing all of the entries and can’t wait to meet these beautiful people! I will email each of you soon and get these shoots in the books! I am thrilled for all that is ahead and hope you stay […]

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You’re not going to want to miss this giveaway! This month I will be giving away 6 full photo sessions to some lucky winners and entering is easy so make sure to read below and find out all of the details! Tell me about the prize already: Ok, I hope you’re as thrilled as I […]

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I use to write the most intricate gift wish lists. When it came time for a celebration where at which I received gifts I was certain to do my due diligence to get the best of what I wanted and to communicate those wants to the purchasers (aka my parents). Hours were spent cutting and pasting […]

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 Being a wedding photographer is a non-stop job. Being the Maid of Honor is a persistent task.  When my sister asked me to be her photographer I was elated. A few days later I texted her and asked, “who is your maid of honor then?” Her response, “you are.” I immediately knew that the task […]

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<Warning–there are graphic images in this blog> I’ve never seen anything like it. I stood crippled by disgust and awe. Seconds ago I was strolling the beach, watching as the sun set beautiful yellows over the endless ocean and just like that I am standing on a road swarming with lust, loneliness and sex. Girls to my right practically […]

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We sat, crammed in the back of the Jeepnee, a truck-like form of public transportation. Our heads grazing the roof of the vehicle bouncing along as we inhaled exhaust. We had no idea where we were or how long the drive would take to and it was nearly impossible to see out of the windows […]

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 5th Grader. Dear One, I know today was tough. I know you woke up and rolled out of bed, already out of breath. The walk to the mirror so dreaded—It’s hard to see something reflect all of you—you see yourself so wrong. Yeah…I know…you keep finding them, those imperfections screaming you’re so unworthy, so unloved. […]

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The first time Nick and I went to Target I knew I had met quite the challenge. This man of mine spent 45 minutes picking out a single lightbulb. OK, did you actually read that? 45 MINUTES! I don’t know the last time I spent 45 minutes doing my hair more or less picking out […]

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Today I was supposed to be sitting side-by-sweaty-side with a Burkinabe woman, admiring the living colors of Africa that adorned her dress. I was supposed to be worshipping one hand raised to the Lord, the other occupied with 3 little dark skinned hands, fingers grasping for my attention. I was supposed to be dancing through […]

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I want to introduce you to one of the most fun-loving, passionate, and hilarious girls I know. Meet Sydney. Sydney is a SENIOR, and has a heart that is on fire for the Lord, we had a blast running around town capturing these pictures and giggling till we were blue in the face. I pray […]

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Authentic Moments Captured with Beauty in Mind. 

We can't wait to tell your story with purpose, honest connection and mastery. Our comprehensive and personalized process will guide you every step of the way. 

follow @jessica.rice.photography on Instagram